
28 March, 2011

My 2nd Convocatuon ~ 27 March 2011 ~

Yeaaahhhh!!!!! Semalam bersamaan 27 mac 2011 adalah hari konv
okesyen ke-46 bg UTM...ak adalah slh seorg drpd 348 graduan fakulti sains komputer (btl 348???tp y ak ingt 3oo lbh la...hahaha).. best giler kot konvo semalam..hehe
and plg hepi coz..mak, k.lin n my beloved bf dtg..heh
ehe dulu time convo dip..xbpe la nk kali ni..sesgt la best..huhuhu n plg bngga menjadi graduan dr universiti antara y terunggul di Malaysia ni..erm course ak (Software Engineering)..xde sorg pn y dpt second class lower..wah sgt bangga..hehe wlupn ak xdpt pn first class...hehehe..

Bertambah happy nye ak konvo kali ni..sebab ak d
pt bunga!!! yeay!! dr my beloved sis..and bear from my beloved mom.. (i love u mom..) kat bawah ni ak kongsi la beberapa keping gmbr konvo ak smlm ye...^-^

bunga bsr - my bf, bear - my mom , another flower - my sis..thnx ^-^

my family y dtg..3 org je.hehehe

posing maut..hehehe

me & my beloved bf ..

sbhgian rakan3 diploma '08 n degree '11

sgt hepi..^-^

Semalam kenangan y sgt best..huhu rasa nk ulang kembali saat 2..huhu majoriti kwn3 da bekerjaya..ak pn bkl berkerja..nth bila lg ktrg akn jmpe lg...semoga rakan-rakan berjaya dalam hidup..amin....

23 March, 2011


Wah...da lme x update blog...huhu ni semua sbb diriku bukn blogger tegar..haha...
and actually, nekad xnk ber'blog' wat sementara waktu sampai dpt keja..hehe
n now i'm blogger again.. ^-^..
I already got a job..and will be start on 1st April..what the most interesting office is near with my home...just 5minute, walk from my it!!!
tak sia3 tak pegi 3 interview sblm's worth it..i made a good decision, i guess...huhu even the salary is not like what i expect..but it's still fine to gain new experience at least...right?? rather than be jobless..hehehe

wish me luck for my first job..^-^..i hope everything is just fine..and it'll be fun work at that company..i wish...